Save Our Trees
Trees are poems that earth writes upon the sky,we fell them down and turn them into paper,that we may record our emptiness(Kahlil Gibran)
Trees are symbol of life,so it is a responsibility of each person living on the earth to save trees and save life.In a modern world people are fighting and working for themselves but trees are living for benefiting others.We human being should understand our responsibility towards nature and start saving our trees
1.Trees cleans and refresh air by releasing oxygen and filtering particulate matter
Clean air is important wherever you are.polluted air can cause lot of health issues in the human beings as well as in animals.Trees absorbes pollutant gases and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves
2.Trees improve water quality ,prevents flooding and soil erosion
Water is precious natural resource,it's
important that we keep it clean.Roots of a
tree protect the soils from washing away
and also filters harmful substance.
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